Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Zima Blue and Other Stories
Alastair Reynolds


Zima Blue and Other Stories


Rating: Not rated

Tags: Science Fiction, Lang:en


A short story collection:

The Real Story

Beyond the Auila Rift
A story about the hazards of interstellar travel, especially when using technology that isn't entirely reliable


Signal to Noise

Cardiff Afterlife


Minla's Flowers

Merlin's Gun

Angels of Ashes

Spirey and the Queen
Started as part of Reynolds' Revelation Space universe but became something quite different, involving an ancient war and strange machine intelligences.

Understanding Space and Time

Digital to Analogue


Zima Blue
The story of an artist who works in a color named for him and has progressed from small to star-sized installations; concludes with the final piece of his career and reveals his mysterious past; the story's animating idea is the common-enough concept of a robot that has far surpassed its original role, but Reynolds takes it to greater lengths and handles it with especial style.