Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Farthest Star
Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson


Farthest Star


Series: Book 1 in the Saga of Cuckoo series

Rating: Not rated

Tags: Science Fiction, Lang:en


There was no shortage of danger on Cuckoo. 20,000 light years away, the enormous flat surface of Cuckoo travelling at one-sixth the speed of light aimed arrow-straight at the galaxy.

Sun One sent the space probe Aurora with a crew of replicates, both human and alien, to intercept. It was a doomed ship. Yet from that mission came Ground Station One, peopled by tachyon transmission, its crew impatient to explore the menace of Cuckoo. Towards them flee a young nomadic wingman, a redbearded giant, and a replicate Ben Yale Pertin intent only on survival, until a frightened girl screams for help...