Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library


The Clone


Rating: Not rated

Tags: Science Fiction, Lang:en


The clone pulsed up beyond the sink drain, and it was then that Maude Wendall saw it.

She frowned with annoyance at the sink stoppage, and prodded at it with her pot scraper. It resisted. She tried to push the mass back down the drain, but it would not go. Clicking her tongue in exasperation, she dropped the pot scraper and prodded the mass with her finger. Through the permeable cell wall of the clone’s tissue flowed the enzyme-laden ichor. On contact with human tissue, the enzymes immediately broke down its proteinaceous structure and utilized the amino adds and other residues to construct new clone tissue. There was no pain in the finger. It was several seconds before the woman realized that her finger had disappeared, had been replaced by the clone’s tissue. She screamed then, and lunged back from the sink…