Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Invisible Sun
Charles Stross


Invisible Sun


Series: Book 3 in the Empire Games series

Rating: Not rated

Tags: Science Fiction, Lang:en


Two twinned worlds are facing attack The New American Commonwealth is caught in a deadly arms race with the USA, its parallel-world rival. And the USA’s technology is decades ahead.

Yet the Commonweath might self-combust first – for its leader has just died, leaving a crippling power vacuum. Minister Miriam Burgeson must face allegations of treason without his support, in a power grab by her oldest adversary.

However, all factions soon confront a far greater danger...

In their drive to explore other timelines, high-tech USA awakened an alien threat. This force destroyed humanity on one version of Earth. And if the two superpowers don’t take action, it will do the same to them.